
The Rise and Fall of a Hardcore Gold-Digger

  The Rise and Fall of a Hardcore Gold-Digger Gold diggers are women who target wealthy individuals to benefit from their resources. While these women may appear wise and calculated, they are predators seeking opportunities to profit from others' success. During the Great Depression, "gold digger" became a contentious social issue. It affected everything from alimony laws to heart balm lawsuits. The Story of a Hardcore Gold-Digger Gold Diggers often get a bad reputation but can also be beautiful. Hardcore gold-diggers are driven by money and wealth; they will take advantage of others to gain what they desire and use people as props to appear more attractive and powerful than they are. While some gold diggers may seek relationships, most want more money to purchase pricier items. At first, this character resembled the sugar baby we all know and love. She desired wealth because she believed it would make her more powerful and attractive in the eyes of others. Unfortunately,